
The goal of the California Health and Human Services Agency,  Office of Technology and Solutions Integration (CalHHS OTSI) Case Management Information and Payrolling System (CMIPS) Office is to maintain and operate a system that is responsive to the needs of the In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Program to include IHSS recipients and providers and the staff that administer and support to IHSS program in partnership with our sponsor, the California Department of Social Services (CDSS), Adult Programs Division (APD).

CMIPS Background

The IHSS program was established in 1973. In 1978, California enacted Welfare and Institutions Code 12302.2 that mandated a payroll and payment system for the IHSS program to be known as the Case Management, Information and Payrolling System (CMIPS). In later years, CMIPS was modified to also support the Waiver Personal Care Services (WPCS) program, and Home and Community-Based Services (HCB) program.

Today, CMIPS is a large and complex IT system that provides functions for case management for IHSS recipients, payroll for service providers, reporting, and customer support. CMIPS manages over 815,000 active recipients, as well as pending applicants, terminated recipients, active providers, pending providers, and terminated providers. The provider management and payrolling functions support over 716,000 eligible providers, process over 1.65 million timesheets per month and ensure timely and accurate payroll payments of over $19 billion per year. CMIPS has approximately 6,800 end users across the fifty-eight (58) California counties, the CDSS APD, Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), and the CalHHS OTSI CMIPS Office. CMIPS also ensures timely exchange of information with more than a 110 interface partners, including all California counties.

How CMIPS Supports the IHSS Program

The CMIPS supports the IHSS, WPCS and HCB programs. These programs provide in-home services to aged, blind, and disabled individuals so they can remain in their own homes and avoid institutionalization. The IHSS Program consists of five (5) programs:

 Personal Care Services Program (PCSP)

IHSS Plus Option Program (IPO)

IHSS Residual (IHSS-R) Program

Community First Choice Option (CFCO)

Medi-Cal Waiver Personal Care Services (WPCS)

The PCSP, IPO, IHSS-R and CFCO programs are administered by the CDSS APD who oversee operations in county welfare offices and public authorities distributed throughout all 58 counties in California. The WPCS program is administered by the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS). The CDSS APD is the CMIPS executive sponsor and has lead responsibility for the success of the IHSS Program and their supporting systems. The in-home personal care services include housecleaning, meal preparation, laundry, shopping, personal care services (such as dressing and feeding), paramedical services accompaniment to medical appointments, and protective supervision to Medi-Cal eligible and low-income elderly and disabled people.

Since the CMIPS inception in 1980, CMIPS has been continuously updated to meet dynamic needs of the IHSS Program based on new legislation, changes in regulations and policies, and business process improvements. CMIPS is regularly updated to leverage technology innovation to better support the IHSS program. In 2017, the IHSS Electronic Services Portal (ESP) was established, and the Electronic Timesheets Solution (ETS) was created to allow the IHSS and WPCS Providers to submit timesheets on-line and their Recipients to approve their timesheets on-line or by telephone. This new on-line electronic timesheet capability provides a significant improvement over the use of paper timesheet because it gets timesheets into the system faster by avoiding mailing time and has built-in guidance to prevent timesheet errors. Providers can log-in to their on-line secured account to view the status of their timesheet and payment. Like the rest of CMIPS, the new portal is being continually improved to add more features. In early 2018 we added the ability for Providers to request direct deposit on-line. In 2019 and 2020, the ESP is being leveraged to meet the Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) federal mandate which requires information to be electronically collected for the type of services performed with date, time, and location. For more information about EVV, please visit the CDSS EVV website.

CMIPS Contracts

The CalHHS OTSI CMIPS Office procures and manages the CMIPS vendor contracts. As of June 2019, CGI Technologies and Solutions, Inc (CGI) is the primary CMIPS vendor and provides system maintenance and operations, help desk, case management support, payroll processing, program support services, and reporting. The California Department of Technology (CDT) Data Center hosts the CMIPS production and test infrastructure, operates the statewide network, and provides Technology Recovery (TR) services.

Statewide Campaign